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1.All Hong Kong residents shall be equal before the law.


2.The homes and other premises of Hong Kong residents shall be inviolable. Arbitrary or unlawful search of, or intrusion into, a resident’s home or other premises shall be prohibited.


二、在法律和普通合约条文中,当shall之后所跟的动词本身就能表达权利、义务或责任以及主句的基本结构为shall + be + predicative (表语)时,通常也是不译的:

3.The board shall have such jurisdiction and powers as are conferred on it by this or any other Ordinance.


4.If the Buyers fail to provide such letter of credit in the Seller’s favor as prescribed above, the Sellers shall have the option of reselling the contracted goods for the account of the Buyers or delaying any shipment and/or cancelling any orders at any time on the Buyers account and risk.


5.The Landlord shall not be in any way responsible to the Tenant for any damage caused to be said premises or the contents thereof arising as a result of the negligence of any other tenant of the said building.


6.Provided that  should the Purchaser or his nominee have entered in possession of the premises hereby agreed to be sold the Purchaser shall thereupon be deemed to have accepted the title of the Vendor and shall not be entitled to raise any requisition or objection In respect of  any of the matters aforesaid.


7.The cost of and incidental to the preparation and registration of this Agreement shall be borne and paid by the Vender and the Purchaser jointly. In Addition to this the Purchaser shall bear and pay all the cost of Messrs. & Co. Solicitors for services in connection with the sale and purchase of the said premises…


仔细对照以上中英文本,我们不难归纳出:在法律及合约条文中,have the right/power/jurisdiction/obligation of, have the option of, be responsible for (bear/take responsibility/cost for), be obliged to, be liable to, be entitled to, be at liberty to, be able to, be + predicative adjective等动词短语片语是经常用来表示权利、责任和义务的,如果这些短语前面带有shall,则一般不能把它译成“须”、“应当”、“应”等。例1至例5均带有类似短语,在有关动词前面加上“须”或“应”,不但有叠床架屋之嫌,而且也不符合汉语表达习惯:如果在“仲裁处具备本条例或任何其他条例赋予仲裁处的司法管辖权及权利”(例3)及“卖方有权选择把合约规定的买方账上的货物转售或随时推迟付运和(或)撤销任何订单”(例4)两句中的“具备”和“有权选择”之前分别加上“须”或“应”或“应当”,不但句子显得累赘,而且无形之中特别加重了这两个句子的语气。这在否定句中尤其如此:如果在例5和例6的“不负任何责任”及“无权”前加上“须”,则会使译文不堪卒读。另外,从例1、2和例5中可以看出,凡主句句型为be + predicative adjective, be之前出现的shall一般都可以不译。例如,英文销售合约中有关仲裁部分,往往会有这一类条款:The decision of the arbitrator shall be final. 译成中文时为:“仲裁员的裁定为终局的决定”,而不应译成“仲裁员的裁定应当是终局的决定”。

最后,从例7第一分句中可以看出,凡在约束合约所有有关方的条文中(“有卖主和买主共同负责支付”),shall的对应译文 – “须”或“应”可以省去不译且不影响文意,因为如无特殊指示,合约的规定总是要求所有签约方共同遵守的。但如果该条款只针对其中一方、只对一方有约束力,则译文中一般不能省略强制性助动词“须”。如例7中的第二分句“买主还须负责支付”中的“须”字不能省;一旦省去,合约中文文本中该条文对买主的约束力就会明显减弱,甚至被误解或;而在对所有有关方均有约束力的条文中,省去这类带强制性的助动词,无论如何文意是不会被误解或曲解的。
