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法律翻译典型句型 in respect of

        在法律英语中,如果要表达一个与某事物有关的概念,最常用的词就是in respect of。但由于该词本身灵活性强、黏附性与词俱来,而正式程度又高,故在法律英文中往往被过度使用。习惯普通英语的读者、译者,时常对该词感到头痛:既不好理解,也不好翻译。其实,只要懂得其最常用的替代,理解和翻译都不应该有困难。通常把它翻译成“有关”和“就”


        The seller is obligated to warrant that the buyer will be free from any third party claim against it in respect of the subject matter delivered, except otherwise provided by law.


        Under the sales contract concluded by the lessor according to the lessee’s selection of the seller and the lease item, the seller shall deliver the subject matter to the lessee in accordance with the contract, and the lessee enjoys the rights of the buyer in respect of taking delivery of the subject matter.


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