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法律英语词汇分类十 独特的累赘词汇

使用法律配对词(doublets/legal pairs)和三联词(triplets)指用两个或三个意思相近或相同的词构成一个短语以表达法律上本来只需要一个词就能表达的概念。

以null and void为例,事实上这两个词并不能互补,也没有任何意义上的差别;而在lands, tenements and hereditaments这个短语中,tenements在现代英语中是一个已经废弃不用的词,hereditaments指的是留给继承人的地产。在大多情况下,只用一个land就足以表达原文所要表达的法律概念。

另外,如在租赁合约中,通常都会包含这样的条款,即well and sufficiently repair, uphold, maintain the premises. 其中的well修饰repair已经sufficient(足够)。Sufficiently则是完全多余的。而另外三个同义的动词 – repari, uphold, maintain, 只要保留其中的最简单、最常用的repair就足以表达合同的一方要求另一方妥善维修房屋的意图。

在翻译中,这类词原则上都可以合二为一或合三为一来处理。当然,并非所有看似配对词和三联词都一定只有一个意义。许多看似配对词或三联词的近义词其法律上的含义在某种程度上还是有所差异的。例如,在房地产合约中常会碰到sell, transfer(转让)or dispose(处置)这一短语,其中的sell一定是指以金钱进行的房地产交易,与transfer或dispose在概念上都有实质性的差别。所以在翻译的过程中要特别小心甄别这类词。以下是最为常见的可以在翻译中作合二为一或合三为一的法律上的累赘词:

acknowledge and confess; aid and abet; aid and comfort; alter and change; authorise and empower; breaking and entering; cancel, annul and set aside; cease and desist; deem and consider; each and all; each and every; fair and equitable; false and untrue; final and conclusive; fit and proper; force and effect; forgive and pardon; fraud and deceit; free and clear; full and complete; full, true and correct; give, devise and bequeath; goods and chattels; had and received; have and hold; hold and keep; hue and cry; keep and maintain; let or hindrance; mind and memory; new and novel; null and void; remise, release and quitclaim; request and require; rest, residue and remainder; right, interest and title; save and except; seriouly and gravely; sole and exclusive; will and testament;

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