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acquit及其名词形式acquittal在法律英语中十分常见,它在在刑法中表示“宣告无罪”或“无罪释放”;在民法中,表示“免除(义务、责任)”,即release or discharge as from an obligation,responsibility etc.。


例1:The conviction was overturned at last and an acquittal entered.


例2:In 1999, Rehnquist became the second chief justice in U.S. history to preside over a presidential impeachment – that of President Bill Clinton, who was acquitted.


例3:He was arrested in 1985 and charged with murder. Then he was acquitted in 1986 after spending 10 months in jail. However, in 1992 he was re-tried and convicted. Dramatically, he was discovered to be innocent and finally acquitted on DNA evidence in his third trial in 1995.


评:事实上,从理论上来讲,在美国,犯罪嫌疑人在被宣告无罪后,不得因同一罪行再次被起诉,否则,这就侵犯了公民的不受“双重追诉”(double jeopardy)的宪法权利。

例4:After O.J. Simpson was acquitted of murdering his ex-wife and her friend, their relatives files a civil suit against him for actual and punitive damages caused by the killings.


评:需要注意的是,在刑事领域,我们虽然可以将acquit或acquittal翻译为“宣告无罪”,实际上不太精确。学习acquit或acquittal时,我们需要理解它们的内涵:An acquittal is not a finding of innocence; it is simply a conclusion that the persecution has not proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt. 这就是说:acquittal并非是一个“无罪判决”,而是检方不能“排除合理怀疑”,进而法院判定被告人“有罪”的一种“宣告”。关于“排除合理怀疑”的解释及其用法,可参见刑事诉讼中的“beyond a reasonable doubt”该如何翻译? 一文。

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