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Costs 诉讼费 (MP3)

Costs 诉讼费 Costs of the case will be borne by the defendant.讼案费用由被告承担。 Costs will be shared equally between the two parties.诉讼费由双方当事人平均分担。 The amount of costs… Read More »Costs 诉讼费 (MP3)

Litigation 诉讼 (MP3)

Litigation 诉讼 A litigant generally must make a motion in writing.诉讼当事人通常必须作出书面申请。 A party must be given fair notice of the case made against him.当事人应当被合理告知其被指控的理由。 Agree,… Read More »Litigation 诉讼 (MP3)

Death penalty 死刑 (MP3)

Death penalty 死刑 A sentencing judge is required to consider any mitigating circumstances before imposing the death penalty.在处死刑之前,要求量刑法官必须考虑是否有任何减轻罪行之情节。 Capital punishment for murder is based on… Read More »Death penalty 死刑 (MP3)

Tax 税收 (MP3)

An income tax deduction is allowed for bad debt.
