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保险 Insurance

In many trials, the heart of the issue was whether what the insured stated in his application, or his policy, constituted a “warranty” or not. 在许多庭审中,问题的核心是:被保险人写在投保申请书中或保险单上的陈述是否构成“保证条款”?

太保诉华绍号轮案 Tai Ping Insurance Co. Vs. M/V Warshau

The court responded that “these are the risks that parties to an arbitration clause must be considered to have contemplated at the time they struck their bargain.” 上诉法院的回答是:这些风险乃是仲裁条款当事人肯定在成交当时早已想到了的。

企业的保险 Insurance for Your Business

The insurance needs of a business should be handled by a professional who can help analyze what is available and what the business can afford. 企业的保险需要,应由一名能帮助分析“有什么险可以投保而企业有能力投保的又是什么险”的专家来处理。